Office Policies

It is an essential value of Arthritis Care of Texas that all staffs will conduct themselves with exceptional behavior, respect and civility in all interactions with patients and their loved ones. In turn we respectfully ask that all patients, family members and their representatives conduct themselves in a civil and respectful manner when dealing with Arthritis Care of Texas staff. As such each patient and their representatives will refrain from conduct that may be perceived to materially endanger the health or safety, cause undue harassment, inconvenience, embarrassment or offense to an employee of Arthritis Care of Texas.

The following actions are expressly prohibited:

(a) verbal abuse;
(b) insults and derogatory name-calling;
(c) cursing of any kind;
(d) aggressive or threatening behavior;
(e) hostile touching or physical contact;
(f ) sexual harassment;
(g) phone calls, e-mails or other communications that are designed by their tone, time or frequency to harass or intimidate.

We appreciate your cooperation with this Code of Conduct. Patients who violate this policy will be subject to administrative actions up to and including dismissal from the practice and access to further care from the staff. If any staff violate this Code of Conduct, they will similarly be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination from employment. If you have any further questions please contact the Practice Administrator.